Short stories
Dirtz Theatre
Spettacolo di danza contemporanea. Tout Public. Consigliato a partire dai 6 anni.
con il sostegno del dipartimento dell’Occitanie Aude coproduzioni con le vetrerie d’Alès/PNC Occitanie, La ville Billom, spazio culturale di Ferrals les Corbières, ArtVivant11, Compagnia Odradek/Pupella-Noguès,Teatro Les Quinconces Vals les Bains, Estive, scena nazionale di Foix e Ariège, nell’ambito del progetto Les Pierres de guè
Concentrandosi su un vocabolario risolutamente corporeo al servizio di un universo poetico, questa prima creazione della compagnia disturba sottilmente e inaspettatamente il nostro senso della realtà.
“ALIAS”, 15 minuti
Messo a nudo, sensibile e carnale, Alias ci rivela un uomo che cerca di liberarsi dal suo guscio e si propone di incontrare “L’altro” si nasconde nel profondo di lui. Dietro la maschera si intravede l’uomo, un essere in carne ed ossa. E chi c’è dietro quell’uomo?
“NONNA(S) DON’T CRY” 20 minuti
Invita lo spettatore a infiltrarsi nella mente di una donna che si trova in una costante avanti e indietro tra la vecchiaia e la giovinezza, tra immaginario e reale. Omaggio poetico alle diverse età della vita, questo assolo risveglia gli spiriti invisibili e i nostri legami tra le generazioni.
“LE TROISIèME PASL” 25 minuti
Solista, duo e trio, questo pezzo affronta con umorismo e tenerezza il concetto di interdipendenza: portare, essere trasportati, sostenersi a vicenda o non sostenersi più.
English version
Focusing on a resolutely corporeal vocabulary in the service of a poetic universe, this first creation of the company subtly and unexpectedly disturbs our sense of reality.
“ALIAS”, 15 minutes
Stripped bare, sensitive and carnal, Alias reveals to us a man who seeks to free himself from his shell and sets out to meet “The other” hides deep within him. Behind the mask we can glimpse the man, a being of flesh and blood. And who is behind that man?
“GRANDMA(S) DON’T CRY” 20 minutes
It invites the viewer to infiltrate the mind of a woman who finds herself in a constant back and forth between old age and youth, between the imaginary and the real. A poetic homage to the different ages of life, this solo awakens invisible spirits and our bonds between generations.
“LE TROISIèME PASL” 25 minutes
Solo, duo and trio, this piece addresses the concept of interdependence with humor and tenderness: carrying, being carried, supporting each other or no longer supporting each other.
Con il Sostegno di ATER Fondazione
Progetto inserito all’interno di E’ Bal – Palcoscenici per la danza contemporanea
Progetto Vincitore del bando EFFEA European Festivals Funds for Emerging Artists, iniziativa dell’EFA European Festival Association

International Collaboration to Propel Innovation in Contemporary Theatre: ShortStories Project Unveiled [Zagreb, 2.5.2024.] - The forthcoming collaboration between three esteemed International puppet festivals in Croatia, Serbia, and Italy marks a groundbreaking endeavor to bridge cultures and push the boundaries of contemporary theatre. Stemming from a shared vision to intertwine diverse artistic expressions, this collaborative effort will showcase the innovative prowess of The Dirtz Theatre, renowned for their fusion of contemporary dance and puppetry. The genesis of the project lies in the aspiration to foster connections among the three festivals and promote The Dirtz Theatre's distinctive art form, which infuses puppetry with dance to create a captivating new dimension of performance. Recognizing the underrepresentation of this unique art blend in their respective regions, the festivals unanimously selected The Dirtz Theatre's production, "ShortStories," for its ability to resonate with diverse audiences and professionals alike. "ShortStories" stands as a trilogy of evocative performances at the confluence of contemporary dance, physical theater, and puppetry. Each piece delves into themes of identity, aging, and interdependence, inviting audiences on a transformative journey through a poetic realm of metamorphosis. The project's significance extends beyond artistic innovation, aiming to introduce ShortStories and The Dirtz Theatre to audiences across Southern and Eastern Europe, each with its distinct cultural tapestry. By facilitating cross-cultural exchanges and collaboration, the project seeks to nurture a vibrant network of artistic communities, fostering creativity and innovation on a transnational scale. Planned activities within the residency encompass a spectrum of engagements, including workshops, symposiums, and performances, all designed to stimulate dialogue and exploration at the intersection of dance, puppetry, and physical theater. Moreover, the creation of multilingual documentation ensures accessibility and dissemination of the project's insights and achievements. "We envision the ShortStories project as a catalyst for cultural exchange and artistic evolution," remarked Lucija Prstec Smolčec, artistic producer of the International Puppet Theatre Festival Karlovac, the lead organizer of the initiative. "Through this collaboration, we aim to not only showcase the brilliance of The Dirtz Theatre but also foster lasting connections and inspire future collaborations within the European artistic landscape." Central to the project's success is the shared responsibility among the leading and partner festivals, each assuming distinct roles in the project's execution. From organizing workshops and discussions to hosting performances and crafting comprehensive reports, the collaborative effort underscores a commitment to collective growth and mutual enrichment. As the curtains rise on this ambitious venture, the ShortStories project promises to leave an indelible legacy, uniting diverse audiences and artists in a celebration of creativity and cultural exchange.
For media inquiries, please contact: Lucija Prstec Smolčec Artistic producer +385989041115 lucija.smolcec@gmail.com input.fest.karlovac@gmail.com
About The Dirtz Theatre: https://www.dirtztheatre.com About the International Puppet Festivals: http://www.pozoristezadecu.com/en/golden-sparkle/ https://www.arrivanodalmare.it/en/il-festival-nuova/
About the Leading Festival: https://www.zorin-dom.hr/input-festival/ Tweet
- 25 Mag 2024
- Expired!
- 18:00

- Teatro Rasi
- Via di Roma 39, Ravenna

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